Friday, April 4, 2008

Studying the Night Away

By Jon

Building on yesterday's gigantic news, I present to our loyal readers an exclusive, in-depth interview with this month's Sabres Student of the Month, Chris.

Jon: Greetings, Chris. I must start out by telling you that I am honored that you have given me the time of day to sit down for this interview. I know your schedule is tight with the big announcement and all.

Chris: No problem, Jon.

Jon: So why don't you tell me a little bit about this great honor that has been bestowed upon you.

Chris: Sure. I was named the Sabres Student of the Month for April. It's awarded on a rotating basis, you know. Some people complain because they think a student should be named Student of the Month for the entire year; but, um, you know, to show consistency and leadership and whatnot. I'm just gonna go out into the classroom and, um, show everybody what I've got and the leadership skills I possess, and, um, maybe I can keep it for another month.

Jon: How did you react when you heard the news?

Chris: I was excited. It's always an honor to be named Student of the Month for my school. I'm just going to keep giving it my all, leading by example. You know, giving a full 60 minute effort in the classroom, eh.

Jon: You're serving for the month of April, but there are only three games in April. Is this a slap in the face?

Chris: No, I'm just honored to be named at all, you know. I was Student of the Month at my elementary school before, so it's a position I'm familiar with and, um, I'll wear it with great honor no matter how many games it's for. I just had the people from the apparel department (my mom) sew a "SOTM" on each one of my shirts, so I'll wear it proudly. In the classroom community, there's a great tradition regarding Student of the Month, and I'm going to keep it alive for as many games as the front office allows me.

Jon: How do you balance your commitments to the Sabres, the Spectrum newspaper, and most importantly, The Goose's Roost?

Chris: I just go out and give it 110 percent all of the time, you know. It doesn't matter if I'm in a classroom, a newsroom, or sitting at my computer. I'm a competitor by nature; I hate to lose.

Jon: Do you have a message for any of the kids out there that saw your name on the TV screen and look up to you?

Chris: Oh yeah. Just keep hitting the books hard and someday you can be like me: A college student that applies for cheesy awards and blogs out of his basement. I'm living the dream, but I worked for it.


  1. I blog from the bedroom upstairs, thank you very much (or from work). Get the facts straight before you publish fake interviews.

    This article really brings your journalistic integrity into question, Jon. I'm disappointed in you.

  2. He speaks! The student of the month himself speaks! What a day!

  3. Jon: How do you balance your commitments to the Sabres, the Spectrum newspaper, and most importantly, The Goose's Roost?

    Chris: I just go out and give it 110 percent all of the time, you know. It doesn't matter if I'm in a classroom, a newsroom, or sitting at my computer. I'm a competitor by nature; I hate to lose.

    Or, you know, just ignore the Roost completely. And the apple doesn't fall far from the friendship, Jon. Lazy Lockport bloggers...

  4. @ Ryan

    Hey now. 66.6% of the last three posts are mine. I'm just sayin'.

  5. I prefer working with a larger sample size.

  6. =>Class of 05!

    Nice interview by the way.
