As you might have noticed, we here at the Roost have been using Facebook to profile the Sabres' 2007 draftees over the past week (alright, by we I mean Ryan; I did help in the search for said profiles though, so that should count for something). Anyhow, I suppose you could make the case that our profiles didn't probe all that deeply into the players' personal lives, which is somewhat true. Our goal, though, was simply to provide a little background on the guys we're hoping will be the future of our franchise (While making sure their Interests section didn't include red flags like "Taking my dog to Mike Vick's house" or "going to Vegas with Pete Rose"). It certainly isn't our aim to dig through an 18-year old's pictures and groups on Facebook, looking for something sufficiently controversial to spread across the internet. These guys are on our team, or at least will be. Personally, I'd rather not send any of these kids into an A-Rod-like media-induced coma before they're even Amerks, much less Sabres.
That being said, anyone who has an account with Facebook will recognize this universal truth: Whatever you're looking for, you will get sidetracked somehow, and you will find something strange, rediculous, or stupid. We found plenty of all three in our search, but there was one group in particular that absolutely floored me. I've seen plenty of groups that disparage my teams, and that's cool. Everyone's entitled to their opinion, no matter how wrong it is. What bothers me is when someone tries and fails to insult (in this instance) the Sabres. When you create a group about your hatred for a should inspire anger in that team's fans, not pity.
With that in mind, I'd like to share this hideous abortion of a Facebook group with you. We did not edit its content at all for comedic effect. The only thing I did was offer some "helpful hints" for next time. Remember, these grades aren't to hurt you, just to show you what you need to do better. By the way, Caps management - you may want to try a little harder with your marketing campaigns, because clearly these poor souls believe that their local rivals for the "Sabers" are the Redskins.

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