Joe Benanati: My my, isn't that a fantastic looking dasher-board display over there, son?
Junior Benanati: Uh... you mean that wall?
Joe: No partner, I mean the cornucopia of excitement placed upon the dasher board manifestation.
Junior: It's just some extension cables, Dad.
Joe: Aaaah yes, the manpower filament! What an exciting purchase to ponder. Any thoughts on our recent struggles to maintain conduits?
Junior: Um... yeah, we could use a few more. We bought a lot of Christmas lights this year.
Joe: (Deep monotone) Scooore! (Pause) Junior Benanati.
Andy Brickley: Smarht decision there. No time wasted. Takin' the lowah prices and gettin the job done.
Junior: Mr. Brickley?!? Where' you come from?!?
Andy: Just stayin' on topa things, Juniah.
Joe: Indeed, partner.
Junior: Whatever. Can we go, Dad?
Joe: Drop your ponies, pal. It is indicative we investigate the steam room furnishings heretofore.
Junior: Fine. Bed and Bath is this way. (under breath) That's the last time we get him a thesaurus for his birthday...
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