by Ryan
So... if you came here expecting a review of The Game, you just don't know us well enough. I'm currently about halfway through the book, and although I will have something to say about it, it's not coming today.
The good news is that Chris is reading Live From New York and will have something about it posted by the end of next week; so look for that before mine. Rich is enduring a life without the series of tubes, so you know he is reading something. Or going insane, either or.
I think I've said enough about the playoffs over the course of the last six weeks or so. Being the first full season with a blog to ramble with, I must admit I enjoyed the postseason a lot more than I usually do after the Sabres gracefully implode. Having the hockey blogosphere to get a feel for all those "other" teams really makes for an exciting postseason, and I look forward to checking back in over the course of the summer to see how free agency shakes out.
So that's the question now, isn't it? What the hell are we going to do with ourselves?
Well, plenty. Over the next few months we are going to branch out a bit, covering some basketball, baseball, and whatever else happens during the summer. Of course, there will be plenty of silly season news in the hockey universe, and we fully intend to cover every angle of the off season. The NHL Awards, Draft, UFA Day, all of it is going to be talked about here, and Chris has spreadsheets and all kinds of things ready for the summer.
We're also trying to plan a road trip to see a baseball game, although the location seems to be getting farther and farther away as we flesh it out. Somewhere between Boston and Minnesota, I'm sure.
I guess what I'm trying to say is that even though the hockey season is officially over, we're not. In fact, we're pretty excited about the summer. The Sabres will retool, the Bills will try to pry Money away from the iron fist of Roger Goodell, and we should have some nice weather to avoid in the comfort of our homes, computer screen aglow with the shades drawn.
So in the words of Jonathan Papelbon: "Stay tuned. I've got something for ya, kid."
Game #62 Preview & Open Thread: Sabres vs. Panthers
16 hours ago
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