My mini pack order is due Friday, which means the hockey season is slowly creeping toward us. Today the Sabres announced pricing for their two home preseason games, and of course we are going to talk about it here because, well, there's nothing to talk about.
Tickets go on sale September 3rd, and are half price for kids like last year. I think it's a smart move by the team, and... God this sucks. I hate August, man.
When you make the playoffs for a few years, you forget how absolutely excruciating the off season is in hockey. The playoffs were like three months long, and then there was all that summer after that. I mean, once July 1st comes and goes, there's just not that much to talk about unless you make crap up like we did.
Let's put it this way, I went to see the Red Sox play in Toronto on the last day of the Sabres' regular season. Four months passed before I saw the Sox in Toronto on Friday, and they still haven't hit the ice at HSBC Arena. Christ, that's a long time.
What I'm getting at here is that at this point any news is good news, and I can't wait for September so we can talk about training camp. Seriously, I want to see some hockey like, right now.
(Also, as soon as Yahoo releases Fantasy Hockey '08 we will have a league ready to go. I think we'll start with 12 teams and see what the supply/demand looks like. Again, that should happen soon, so start coming up with team names now. I have mine ready to go...)
I'm with you. I had the summer to keep myself occupied but now that college started I want my hockey and I want it now. I am itching to see the Sabres back in action again.