Wednesday, August 27, 2008

If You are Really Bored...

by Ryan

There are hundreds of things I should be doing right now, but for some reason I just finished making an avatar for one of my fantasy football teams. It's not the best of photoshops, but then again, it doesn't have to be.

I don't know if anyone cares, but if you'd like to guess the team name based on the photo, feel free.

The tags will be key for this one, and yes, I'm inherently mediocre at photoshop, thank you for asking.


  1. Haha sort of close, but I'm not sure that would make it through the Yahoo censors...

  2. Is he hitting another whale?

    This whale seems to have only one hand though and she's not walking down Chippewa.

  3. Hit and Run Whale Tail

  4. Wait, wait, I got it:

    "No Fatties Allowed"
