I'm not mad at Mike Comrie, I just don't enjoy what he stands for.
Really, even after he knocked the net off in Game Five of the ECF, forcing overtime and eventually leading to the Sabres elimination; I'm not mad. That's just a smart play. A two minute penalty over the series suddenly standing at 3-2? I'd gnaw the pegs out with my teeth if given the chance.
Still, that doesn't mean I have to root for him. Especially after he signed with the Islanders this off season. Sure, I personally think he would have been a really good fit for the Sabres' style and philosophy, but I'm just some blogger, what do I know?
So to recap, I'm okay with Mike Comrie. Until now.
It's not even the Hilary Duff thing. Honestly, whatever. I'm sure Comrie is a delightful young chap, and they are happy and will be in love forever. Good for them.
However, listing her in the article as "a friend of Islanders center Mike Comrie" is an outright lie. I'm not sure what the Isles public relations people are getting at, but when has one of your friends ever done this for your birthday? Either Mikey is the best friend a girl can ask for, or he's looking for a little bit more than the "friend zone."
Again, good for him if he digs the girl enough to want nice things for her; but a $100,000 car? How long have you kids been dating? 11 minutes?
Listen, buddy, I know you have this thing for the ladyfriend, but you're making the rest of us look bad. Not everyone makes 3.375 mill a year, man, and you're throwing around six figures for some girl who dresses nice? I think a nice watch and a firm handshake sends the same message.
Do us all a favor, Mike: settle. Take back the keys, drop this Lohan or whatever her name is, and find some Staten Island girl to buy big sunglasses and UGG boots for. All you have to do is pop a little collar, they'll come running...
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