Today is the big day: the NHL's full schedule is released to the public.
However, the Sabres weren't the only team that had a "soft release" of the schedule on Wednesday. The Toronto Maple Leafs made an announcement that certainly involved the Sabres, and you may not know anything about it.
It may only be preseason, but on September 22nd the Sabres will take on the Leafs at the ACC. It will be a fifth preseason game for the Leafs, which I guess is something special, but there is a larger catch attached:
Admission is free.
The Leafs and Coca Cola have teamed up to give away free tickets to the game in an effort to get a different kind of crowd at Leafs games. It's an interesting way to say "thank you" to the fans that simply can't pay $300 bucks a seat but still splurged on that Kyle Wellwood replica. Git R Done, boys.
All Leafs bashing aside, it is a pretty nice gesture. A free ticket to a hockey game is hard to come by, and reaching out to your fans after a frustrating playoff drought always bodes well with the public.
I hadn't heard about this until checking the Leafs' site, so I tried to apply for the drawing. Heck, who wouldn't road trip it to Toronto if the tickets were free?
Oh wait, you have to be a resident of Ontario. Within a fifty mile radius of Toronto, to be exact. Well isn't that unique? An exclusive event for Leafs fans that only they are invited to attend. Who actually tries to keep events local like that?

Carlton you greedy bastard.
Wow. I was thinking, is it a "thank you" or a "sorry?" But then I read the "Ontario resident" thing. Grr.