Monday, July 28, 2008

To Tide You Over

by Ryan

- Brian Moorman has a blog. I think that's about as good as it gets on a Monday morning.

- The Patriots signed LaMont Jordan, which I think is a bigger deal than people are making it out to be. A washed up running back from Oakland isn't supposed to scare you when they have Kool Aid Maroney around, but Jordan could be a big addition.

- Going Five Hole says that Matthew Barnaby will be interviewed for the ESPN hockey job. I agree with GFH, he won't get the job. However, he is an excellent spokesperson for the Summit Mall.

- Yahoo Sports has a nice little article about Leodis McKelvin and his arrival at camp. Sounds like a good first impression.

We'll be back later with something more substantial. Perhaps Manny Ramirez will tell someone he's willing to buy a puppy if one is offered to him.


  1. C'mon, spell Moorman at least close to right... he's a Pro Bowler from your home team.

  2. "Brian Moorman has a blog."

    THANK YOU!!!!

  3. Yeah, I totally dropped the ball there, Anon. There's no excuse...
