Not a lot of time for a Gameday Post, but I will get some maps and other things up in a bit. What I wanted to talk about really quick was the Patriots and what today means.
Eight minutes into the season, today's game became the most important day of the season. Next Monday is going to be huge, but beating New England has been the thorn in Bills fan's sides for years. After a fast start today seemed like the perfect opportunity to finally take it to them, but things have changed.
There's a lot to look at today and get down about. Everyone's hurt, the Bills can't run the ball, and Trent Edwards might be in the middle of a Sophomore Slump. New England has always been good at home in the Brady Era, and you know how Belichick, master of the universe, is.
Still, if the Bills have any sort of pride they will win today. They have to understand what this game means, both for their own satisfaction as well as their playoff hopes. I want them to get mad, get angry, and remember the scores over the past few years.
Remember 31-0. Remember last year's Sunday Night Massacre.
Note: There was a lot more to this, but I guess Blogger decided to eat it. Not like it mattered...

Guess the Bills forgot. Blogger also seems to have forgotten the second half of that post, too. Oh well...