Sometime after Lindell missed that kick and a Browns fan taunted me, I had a sinister thought:
I hope LeBron James rips your hearts out.

It's a pretty terrible thing to say when you know the situation, but at that point I didn't care. The worst kept secret in sports is that James will sign with the New York Knicks when his current deal expires.
It's the fear of every Cleveland sports fan, and just a mention of Bron Bron in a Yankees cap is enough to make someone hurl "I" shaped pretzels at you in The Jake. As a Buffalonian I know how Cleveland fans feel when it comes to sports heartbreak, so why would I wish something so terrible on a fanbase so tormented?
Well, it's just that kind of week, I guess. Most of the time I'm sympathetic to the sports torments of another city, but this week has been really depressing. In fact I actually enjoyed watching Philly finally see another championship, so why am I suddenly rooting against Cleveland's best chance to win a championship?
Actually that's just it: LeBron James is their best chance to win a championship, so I hope he rips their heart out by leaving. That would put them back on our level, floating out into the nothingness of sports with very little hope of winning it all. We've already lost our best chance in both football and hockey, and after a week like this my heart has turned to a black hole of hatred.
Is it wrong of me to think like that? Yeah, it is. Still, there's not much I can do if a franchise player wants to move to New York to sell a few more shoes. It doesn't matter what I think, but at the same time I kind of hate myself for thinking it.
Man, it's been a rough week.
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