So I was looking at the site statistics today and saw something interesting:
"La Goose's Roost"
Now I haven't taken Spanish in a while, but I do know that la is the female "the" in Spanish. So I click the link, and all of a sudden.

We're bilingual.
This is one of those things that just takes a while to get used to. We started this site in mid-May of last year, and every once in a while you just get blown away with who actually finds this place. People stumble across what we write and suddenly AOL Fanhouse links to us out of the blue. Some guy searches for German porn and my "Maxboobs" post comes up.
It's just crazy to see how some things start. Our Google Keyword Activity ranges from the resourceful (Sean Taylor jacks up Moormon video) to the creepy (Trent Edwards childhood) and sometimes downright terrifying (youtube Doug Gilmore rape).
Another thing I just realized how to do is add our site feed to an RSS site like My Yahoo or iGoogle. It's interesting to see something you've written show up next to actual news.
It really is an honor to come across sites that link to us calling them one of their favorite blogs, or at least something worth reading. That's a compliment worth more than any link dump or mass of one time hits ever will. We're not looking for the bigtime here, just someone to have a good healthy conversation with about sports.
I'm not sure if the person from Valladolid Castilla Y Leon, Spain is going to keep reading, but we appreciate those that do.
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