On November 8 I saw a link on NHL.com that advertised a way to get All-Star Game tickets. I said, "Hey, why not?" The link took me to the Thrashers website where I signed up to be "Thrashers Fan #29" and I got this e-mail:

That's right, buy three, get one free PLUS the All-Star Game, which includes the Skills and the actual game. They even give you a chance to resell the tickets you can't use. Essentially get the All-Star Game for free! But I waited. I had no intention of going, as I'm a poor college kid, I just wanted to see what it would take for the NHL to sell this game out.
On December 18 I received this e-mail.

Let's focus on the term "very limited."
According to Merriam-Webster (Do you believe that dictionaries were once actually books? What a world):
Main Entry:
\ˈver-ē, ˈve-rē\
special particular
Main Entry:
1 a: confined within limits
Basically, very limited would be a particular number of seats are available and there aren't a helluva lot of seats there so get em fast.
So to my surprise (or maybe not, since it is Atlanta), I went on that site again twenty five minutes ago, just for kicks and found this:

If you clicked on the image so you can actually read it, then you're reading that right. Just under two weeks away and you can still get six (SIX!!!!!!!) seats in a row. The game will sell out, I'm just surprised it's taking this long.
Man them Atlantans sure love the hockey.
UPDATE 1/16: With final individual tickets released to the public today, THE GAME HAS SOLD OUT! HURRAY!
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