The headline says it all. Well, sort of.
I used to say that it was Marv Levy texting me when I would get text updates from the Bills. Now I'm supposed to assume it's some sort of consensus effort concocted in a broom closet down at One Bills Drive. (But yeah, I feel much better without a true GM then I did with 300 year old Marv Levy...)
Regardless of who sent it, this is the kind of story that takes it out of you.
I'm going to be honest, I really like Anthony Hargrove. He came in with loads of baggage, and didn't make things better in preseason when he got fist happy with the fuzz, but when he played he had a fire and enthusiasm that we haven't seen in a good while.
I liked watching him jump into the crowd after a good special teams play, and seeing him point to that same end zone at the start of each game, calling his shot and telling them to get ready to hold up the big man.
It's an aesthetic enjoyment at best, but it was good to see someone who loved playing football and the group of people who watched him do it. So many of our former players left with bad impressions of the city, yet here is this guy, out of nowhere and a pegged bad boy making nice with the fine folks of Buffalo.
His play on the field could have been better, but I would say he played a big part in the defense not falling apart at the peak of our injuries. As the weeks went on I liked what I was seeing, and after we were eliminated from playoff contention I started getting excited about what he could do with a healthy secondary and a few more bodies to rotate in.
Now that isn't going to happen, and I can't help but be hurt by today's events. Who knows what his future is with the team, but all of a sudden you have to wonder if he will ever be the player he should be.
After all the injuries we've seen this year, all the injured reserve spots, we will start the offseason shorthanded on the D-line.
How fitting.
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